The exponential growth of IP basedstreaming networks has allowed both broadcast the service providers to scale operations faster than ever. Consumers are now being offered the luxury of watching any content, anywhere and at any time, and expect the highest level of service without compromise.

    This unification between IP networks and streaming media does present its own set of challenges to ensure that media is originated, processed and delivered in compliance. IP flows can frequently suffer from packet loss, jitter, encoding impairments and transport violations to name a few.

    Having the right monitoring and visualization tools in place to proactively identify impairments and service disruption is imperative to the success of the operation.

    Providius has engineered the Broadcast Monitoring Gateway (BMG) high density analysis platform as the 24/7 eyes and ears of both your video service and delivery network.

    The BMG incorporates the essential analysis and decoding tools necessary to alert the operation tiers of MPEG2/H.264 and packet transport related impairments for linear and adaptive bitrate (ABR) defined services. At the heart of the BMG, packets are processed for TR101290 P1 & P2 service compliance with also the unique ability to analyze the conditions of the delivery network. This dual focussed analysis approach provides a clear demarcation between video delivery and video processing thereby drastically reducing the mean time to repair (MTTR) and eliminating finger pointing between transport and processing departments.

    The family of BMG solutions provide the visualization flexibility to aggregate and view dozens of decoded services per unit with multiple 1080p/4K outputs in a "heads-up" environment with the added ability to redistribute the aggregated mosaic output back onto the streaming network to be viewed remotely with companion 101XW-IPRX-1G IP receiver. Applications that don’t require full frame decoding can be satisfied with the 2101XW-BMG-10G, which offers the same monitoring abilities without the added cost of the multiview decoded output. This headless approach continues to provide the essential service metrics to operations without the visualization component.

    Results from the BMG’s service analyzer (patent pending) are stored and retained within the internal database and can produce reports upon request.

    Design Accessoire
    Interfaces DisplayPort, Ethernet, HDMI
    Highlights HLS, RTMP, HDS, MSS, & MPEG DASH
    Options 2101XW-BMG-10G, 2101XW-BMG-IPMV(X)-10G, 2101XW-IPMV(X)-1G, PSFP-TR-10G-S13F